Release 5 vs. Release 6
This page indicates key differences between the ‘Release 6’ documentation and currently supported features and interfaces.
Concepts Naming
Sometimes Realm is used instead of Universe. E.g., in ‘Realm manager’ role.
Sometimes Zone is used instead of World or Placed World.
Sometimes Asset is used instead of Module.
Feature Support
World manifests and configurations aren’t supported until Release 6. Configuration is done solely via Web Portal’s admin features.
Avatar manifests and configurations aren’t supported until Release 6.
Place slugs are used only for Web Portal. Landing area slugs are not used.
Module addresses use Java notation instead of URL notation. E.g.,
.Metaverse Backend API and Behavior Framework API are not available for external developers. Please contact us for details.
World interactivity uses simple filters instead of proper Behavior Framework.
Universe-level ‘Content Creator’ role isn't available, ‘Realm Manager’ should be used instead.
Custom domains, on-premises setup and separate branded apps are only available by request. Please contact us for details.
Last updated